Gibt Korallenriffen eine Zukunft

Weltweiter Korallenriffschutz durch Forschung, Restauration, Training und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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We are in: Glowing Glowing Gone Creative Challenge

Mass bleaching events are obliterating corals around the world. Some glow in vivid colors before they die. The Ocean Agency aims at making the corals' final glow go around the world.

“The Ocean is giving us the ultimate visual warning. Corals aren't just turning white and dying, some are in vibrant colors in a desperate bid to survive”, states The Ocean Agency, one of coral reefs' most emphatic advocates. “We're making coral's final glowing plea impossible to ignore and putting pressure on the world to act.” 




Part of their campaign is the Glowing Creative Challenge that uses the glowing death colors of corals. These colors are already defined by Pantone & Adobe: glowing blue, glowing purple and glowing yellow. “We're calling on you to create unignorable art and designs that make the world take notice. ARE YOU IN?” asks The Ocean Agency.

Usually, we put all our efforts in developing innovative methods to make sustainable coral restoration possible. However, we likewise try to raise our voice on behalf of coral reefs in need as much as we can. So we decided: YES, WE ARE IN! 



Our goal is to restore coral reefs on a meaningful scale to let corals not glow, but thrive! Some of the corals we have raised have already completed their life cycle by spawning on their own. Join us on this journey!

We are dedicated to giving coral reefs a future―our success depends on your support and through your donation, you will make a difference.



All artwork was done by, based on photos, which were taken by Paul Selvaggio and Reef Patrol (both SECORE photographers), and by François Baelen, Jane Jenkins and Ramona Osche (all provided by the Coral Reef Image Bank).

Meet our supporters

SECORE's Hauptunterstützer sind:

Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
The Builders Initiative
The Ocean Foundation
California Academy of Science

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