giving coral reefs a future

our mission: creating and sharing the tools and technologies to sustainably restore coral reefs worldwide

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A Teaser...

- Milestone
A wonderful teaser for our up-coming SECORE film we are currently preparing

- many thanks to ReefPatrol for creating it!

The use of sexual coral recruits for reef restoration (sexual coral restoration) is a relatively young research discipline. During coral spawning events we collect their gametes and fertilize them in the lab. To date, restoration is still very labor and cost intensive and can only be carried out on a relatively small scale. SECORE is currently working with leading scientists to improve our techniques and develop a process for larger-scale restoration. This project includes work with multiple species, as well as on-site training courses to pass on the knowledge to in-country conservation partners.

SECORE combines the knowledge of scientists and public aquarium professionals to develop effective strategies for coral reef conservation using research, education, public outreach and restoration.

 by Carin Jantzen

Meet our supporters

SECORE's lead partners are:

Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
The Builders Initiative
The Ocean Foundation
California Academy of Science

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